#RUNWITHUS and Name A Seat!
Hello Friend!
The 24-acre site is located 30th and Muhammad Ali Blvd. in Louisville, KY. Future site of the Louisville Urban League Sports and Learning Complex.
There is a 24-acre contaminated lot sitting in the heart of the west end – our children don’t play on it or even walk on it. We’re going to change that by building a state-of-the-art Sports and Learning Complex on that site. Indoor track and field will be the anchor sport. Louisville will host local track clubs, public and private school meets, NCAA, and USA Track and Field championships. The Sports Commission estimates that during the indoor track season alone, 20,000-30,000 people will travel to the facility from across the country to compete or spectate, which will generate $47 million a year in economic impact. In fact, this is the only project happening in the west end that can bring thousands of new people with disposable income into the community and into our region. This is what the west end needs. This is what Louisville needs.
Track is an equalizing sport – any child with a good pair of shoes, drive and determination can compete. And research shows that track and field athletes have the highest grades, lowest truancy, and highest likelihood of attending college. This isn’t a silver bullet, but with this one project, we can create jobs, impact educational outcomes, improve health, and positively impact property values in the Russell neighborhood and beyond. We’ve started the race, and now we’re passing the baton to you!
At schools across Kentucky, kids are practicing and competing in hallways because they lack the space to run, jump, and throw.
The city began our campaign with a $10 million commitment, and we are proud to say we were the first private donors to invest in this project! And thanks to the support of Mayor Fischer, Metro Council, HJI Supply Chain Solutions, the James Graham Brown Foundation, Mary Gwen Wheeler, David Jones, Jr., Christy Brown, Stephen Reily, Emily Bingham and many others, we have already raised more than $17 million! Now, we are asking you to join us in this game-changing effort by simply putting your name on a seat or on many seats in the complex. A gift of $5,000 will ensure that you, your company, or a cherished loved one are written into the history of this project. Together, we can level the playing field.
Your gift matters – now more than ever. There are lots of ways to make your tax-deductible donation; you can download and print a donation card and mail will your payment, or you can go to can complete contribution right here using the form below to claim your seat or seats! You can also call our Development Office at 502-566-3417. Once you’ve secured your seat(s), please share the news on social media. Trust us – lots of people will care that you are involved and will be influenced by your investment. Be sure to use #RUNWITHUS when you or your colleagues post.
If you would like to give at a different level, you may do so here. Friends, we are running the race of a lifetime. Run with us!
With gratitude,
Alice K. Houston and Ulysses “Junior” Bridgeman
Development Committee Co-Chairs
Louisville Urban League Sports and Learning Complex
We’re asking every CEO and business owner to #RUNWITHUS by buying a seat in our complex. For $5,000, your name, your organization’s name, or that of a loved one will be represented in this transformational project.